My son is married

My son is married
My son just got married!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Yo, Yo, Yo, Check out Flocabulary

Here is a great site to connect students with their current music likes and learning. is a lot of fun for students and mixes rapping with education. As I write this I am still singing the last tune I listened to about multiplying by 7. As teachers we need to take the standard learning and somehow bring it to a level that will get kids excited about learning. If I have the students sing old songs they might enjoy it but if I have them sing along to raps they will be much more aware and walk away with more understanding. The site covers six different areas with each one have numerous sub groups and sub, sub groups. The most obvious one is math. It covers multiplication, division, subtraction, and addition. The science section has a number of fun songs to help students learn. Social studies, language arts, vocabulary and even the week in rap are covered in this fun learning tool. You really need to try this in your classroom and I believe you will get students much more involved and excited about learning.

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