My son is married

My son is married
My son just got married!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Hey-Ho, Hey-Ho, Let's All Go To ChartGo!

Hey-ho, I just spent some time on and want to share my thoughts about this educational site. On this site you can create a basic chart in a matter of seconds. You choose the settings and then enter data. With the click of a mouse you now have a colorful chart. I liked how easy it is to create a title or label for each part. The introductory video could be enhanced more to help a new user. I had to spend time analyzing what each area represented but once I found my way around the site I think it would be very helpful to students who do not want to spend the time in excel creating a chart that can be duplicated in 1/4 of the time. Check it out when you get some time! Hey-Ho I'm out of here.

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