My son is married

My son is married
My son just got married!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Professional development using blogs, wikis, and podcasts

A teacher can "wow" an interviewer without even answering any of the standard interview questions. They can essentially bring an electronic portfolio to the interview with them. A potential employer can link up and view a blog the teacher created. I plan on creating a professional blog. I want to offer tips and ideas as I have created many unique lessons for various subjects. My blog will allow others to view what I have accomplished without having to visit the classroom. I have benefitted from others before and this is a way I can pay it forward. Creating a "useful" wiki page or pages would take time but could show others my technological skills. I would need to ensure that the information is useful and correct. This would look great to a potential employer or someone you are looking to so you can move up the chain of your school. A podcast would allow others to hear (or see with a vodcast) your teaching skills without having to actually come to your class. I could have a potential employer view my teaching a particular lesson and display my skills to others from far distances. I plan on possibly relocating back to the west in a few years and this would allow an interviewer to observe how I teach without my having to travel back there for the interview. All these tools can play a vital role in helping me progress professionally.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad that you can see the opportunity to use these tools to "market yourself!"
