My son is married

My son is married
My son just got married!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

What is a blog, podcast and wiki?

These 3 technology tools share common threads but are uniquely different. All 3 are used in the online world and help others learn about knowledge or a person's ideas or thoughts. They are all geared to larger groups. Blogs are typically personalized by a person (but can have more than one person running it) and typically this person comments on particular areas he or she is interested in. Think of them as an online journal. A teacher might use this to reflect on a lesson or topic. They might share ideas or best practices with students or others. A blog can be used as a professional portfolio as well. A podcast in unlike the others in that it is listened to instead of read. Vodcasts have included the visual aspect of having video as part of the presentation. An iPod is an example of a this. Wikis are web pages created by a group of writers and designers. Unlike a blog, they are usually created by many individuals. Users can add or correct information at any times. Most viewers are eligible to add something if they desire. Here are 3 links to learn more about what each feature is:

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