My son is married

My son is married
My son just got married!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

My experience with Blogs

Hi everyone. This is my first attempt at creating a blog. I have worked using the Internet for many years and have read many blogs (mostly political) but have never taken the opportunity to start one. I will confess I have a desire now to start one for teaching and another one for venting about hwere our country is headed (not a good place, I'm afraid). I have observed many podcasts and wiki pages but again I have only worked on these as an observer or collector of information. I have heard that these tools were available in the classroom but never actually saw one in use before. I can see where this could really play a role in communicating with parents and students without violating any rules.


  1. This is my first blog as well. Yours looks good!

  2. It's a good idea to have two separate blogs if you want to post personal opinions! :)
