My son is married

My son is married
My son just got married!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Professional development using blogs, wikis, and podcasts

A teacher can "wow" an interviewer without even answering any of the standard interview questions. They can essentially bring an electronic portfolio to the interview with them. A potential employer can link up and view a blog the teacher created. I plan on creating a professional blog. I want to offer tips and ideas as I have created many unique lessons for various subjects. My blog will allow others to view what I have accomplished without having to visit the classroom. I have benefitted from others before and this is a way I can pay it forward. Creating a "useful" wiki page or pages would take time but could show others my technological skills. I would need to ensure that the information is useful and correct. This would look great to a potential employer or someone you are looking to so you can move up the chain of your school. A podcast would allow others to hear (or see with a vodcast) your teaching skills without having to actually come to your class. I could have a potential employer view my teaching a particular lesson and display my skills to others from far distances. I plan on possibly relocating back to the west in a few years and this would allow an interviewer to observe how I teach without my having to travel back there for the interview. All these tools can play a vital role in helping me progress professionally.

How to use blogs, wikis, and podcasts in the classroom?

Teachers can create excitement with students by utilizing these tools in the classroom. A blog allows students to create a personalized journal all about them. This would build confidence in students and allow them to express themselves in unique ways. They could use these to answer questions about a topic or work on how they can present ideas or concepts. A teacher can use this to share ideas and shortcuts with parents, students, or others. Special notes or tips and tricks can be read at any time of the day or night. A wiki allows students to work in groups and create an online wall of information about a topic or idea. It can be broken into groups and each person works on one area. Students can critique each other and even correct something that is incorrect. This allows students to own the project completely. Podcasts are a way for an individual or a group of students to vocalize something. This could be a song they created about the times tables or it could be a report on the history of King Tut. This allows students varied options of how they could complete an assignment. If someone is shy standing in front of a crowd, they could tape the podcast alone and share it with the class without being embarrassed by standing in front of everyone. Each tool offers numerous ways to enhance traditional teaching.

What is a blog, podcast and wiki?

These 3 technology tools share common threads but are uniquely different. All 3 are used in the online world and help others learn about knowledge or a person's ideas or thoughts. They are all geared to larger groups. Blogs are typically personalized by a person (but can have more than one person running it) and typically this person comments on particular areas he or she is interested in. Think of them as an online journal. A teacher might use this to reflect on a lesson or topic. They might share ideas or best practices with students or others. A blog can be used as a professional portfolio as well. A podcast in unlike the others in that it is listened to instead of read. Vodcasts have included the visual aspect of having video as part of the presentation. An iPod is an example of a this. Wikis are web pages created by a group of writers and designers. Unlike a blog, they are usually created by many individuals. Users can add or correct information at any times. Most viewers are eligible to add something if they desire. Here are 3 links to learn more about what each feature is:

My experience with Blogs

Hi everyone. This is my first attempt at creating a blog. I have worked using the Internet for many years and have read many blogs (mostly political) but have never taken the opportunity to start one. I will confess I have a desire now to start one for teaching and another one for venting about hwere our country is headed (not a good place, I'm afraid). I have observed many podcasts and wiki pages but again I have only worked on these as an observer or collector of information. I have heard that these tools were available in the classroom but never actually saw one in use before. I can see where this could really play a role in communicating with parents and students without violating any rules.