My son is married

My son is married
My son just got married!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Assistive Technology Thoughts

Well I just finished all my assignments on Assistive Technology. I had no idea that the Imac and Windows had so many free tools for those who need special assistance. I mentioned in an earlier post that I had a student who brought in his own equipment. Quite honestly I think most of what he had was already available if you just search out all of the helpful tools. I think the iMac is far ahead of Windows in what they offer. They have incredible tools to convert and speak or text information for users who have problems in these fields. Why spend thousands of dollars on equipment if most of what you need is free and available? Some of the gizmos they had available when I researched products for my PowerPoint assignment were extremely expensive. If I get any other special needs students who fit this criteria I will look for ways to help them in the classroom....for free.

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